
If you want to sell a work of art, or a whole collection, be it at auction or privately, it is important that you take a well-informed decision which you will not regret.

In this process, Art Consult is available as your reliable sparring partner, based on 30 years of experience in the art market. Knowing what object is best offered at which market, what time and in which way, is decisive for the best possible return for you as a seller. Selling can be done discretely, directly with private collectors or museums, or very publicly with auction houses or dealers, or in a sales exhibition by Art Consult. Or in a combination of both, whichever is best. The strategy is different for each object or collection. For the optimized financial result it is essential to inform Art Consult about your reasons to sell. Art Consult looks closely at the way a sale should be handled, respecting you and your family as seller(s), and the object(s) to be sold.

Sometimes additional research is needed with regards to attribution, quality, dating, condition or provenance. In special cases we also ask the opinion of an external specialist or restorer. Based on your wishes and personal situation, and combining all critical aspects, Art Consult gives a professional advice in the full interest of you as a seller.